Randy Savages / Razor Kids split EP
Split EPs are a funny thing to me. I’m always trying to figure out how or why someone decided that the two bands should be on the same record. Holds true for this one. Both bands deliver two winners each, but I’m scratching my head trying to figure out why they’re on the same record. RANDY SAVAGES (UK) bring us two rockers that are heavy on the power pop and on the rock’n’roll. Mid-tempo and super catchy, I immediately thought of the REDUCERS, a band I listened to back in the ’80s/’90s. RAZOR KIDS (Portugal) also bring it, with two very different cuts. Musically, track one sounds like it could have been a long-lost RAMONES cut. The competing male/female vocals transform it into something completely different. And their second cut has a herky-jerkiness that reminds me of KLEENEX. Two very different songs. And two very different bands, but I’m not going to complain when someone gives me a 7” record that has four winners on it.