Panikatax A Sudden and Unpleasant Change cassette
This may be a tape-only release on a DIY label, but to unfurl its glossy, multi-panel J-card, you’d think it the work of a real big-baller operation. Took me right back to the ’90s and stretching my pocket money further by purchasing my favoured grunge albums on the cheapest available format, I can tell you. Dubious nostalgia aside, these five songs are a welcome introduction to the dramatic, halfway psychedelic noise rock rumblings of PANIKATAX from Dublin. Big BIRTHDAY PARTY proto-psychobilly rhythms, JESUS LIZARD/FALL/COWS vocal slobbering, and a shit-ton of studio FX, to the extent I assumed there was a synth player in the band until I checked the credits. The B-side of the tape has a live set which is unavailable digitally and has seven songs, all different to the ones on the A-side.