
Unpleasant Controlled Demolition cassette

Lo-fi, bedroom-recorded, bass-and-drum-machine outsider music project from Milwaukee, WI. The six songs, which are sandwiched between weirdo noise/experimental intro and outro, seem to dabble in a wide array of different punk subgenres. I get the impression that the attempt is some sort of anarcho RUDIMENTARY PENI-style craziness, but it doesn’t always come across like that in any way other than the strained vocal delivery. There’s a couple interesting songs, though. In particular, “Bed of Lettuce” is wittily written and would appeal to a bunch of modern egg-punk lovers. It is a bit of a departure from the rest of the strong, politically leftist lyrics of the originals, not that you’ll hear me complain about that—I also hate war and fascists and billionaires and the monotony of capitalism. All in all, it’s interesting, and not entirely UNPLEASANT, aside from the choice of covers. The MONSULA (’90s Lookout! Records) cover ends up sounding way more emo than early pop-punk-inspired. I’m unfamiliar with the other cover song, which is of a band called the THOUGHT of whom I couldn’t find any info, but the cover feels like a drum machine rendition of a folk-punk song.