Lika Blame Game cassette
An insular, moody powerhouse, Blame Game is for those who love Finnish punk music’s gloomy yet exciting nature. LIKA lays out the album with a “come and see” eclectic attitude, treating the listener to a medley of noise, screaming, and fun. Each song has its flair, such as the almost gothic guitar in “Monkey Money” escalating to a fast-paced riot, then back again into the depths. The album is hyphenated by a mix of Finnish and English lyrics, the vocalist using her great, compelling voice for a range of singing or screaming “mad boy!” The drums and bass offer a great heavy-blanketed backdrop to her raving in songs like “Komero” and “Whatcha Gonna Do?” Ending off the adventure, LIKA uses “Last Page 23” to divulge into a weird and wonderfully experimental sound, reminiscent of BJÖRK. Being LIKA’s third self-released album, Blame Game is a nice break from traditional sounds.