Moon People Lunar Secrets cassette
Legend has it that the entire composition of the song “Telstar” came to Joe Meek in a dream. Listening to Lunar Secrets begs one to inquire as to the type of nocturnal aquatic fever that may have birthed MOON PEOPLE. Behold the dawn of cosmic surf! May we all bask in the glorious spray of a cascading lunar tide. This six-song cassette will transport your undeserving flesh suit from the depths of a dank synthetic dungeon out into the cold, unrelenting stratosphere. If the VENTURES stole Dick Hyman’s Moog and replaced it with a Casio DG-1, these songs may have been programmed into its deepest memory bank. Or if DICK DALE was the king of surf keytar. Fully synthesized and ready to shred the barrel, MOON PEOPLE crush your typical twang and ‘verb into eight bits or less. The results are antiquated futuristic instrumental lunacy and it’s utterly brilliant.