
Former Mormon Discography 2017–2017 cassette

Complete discography cassette of a band that seems to have been wildly active for only a handful of months in the year 2017. At first glance, FORMER MORMON had me thinking there was a “too many cooks”-type situation going on. With songs ranging somewhat wildly stylistically from track to track, it was easy to assess that maybe there were multiple songwriters all bringing their own ideas to the table. Turns out that wasn’t the case at all. A few of their releases credit a single songwriter, which was somewhat surprising. FORMER MORMON seems to be the missing link between Bay Area pop punk stuff, by-the-numbers fastcore, and a little sprinkling of the MINUTEMEN tossed in for good measure—I didn’t realize these were things that had a missing link between them. Limited edition of 25 cassette copies.