Neuroot False Profit LP
Marcel Stol’s NEUROOT has lasted decades, and this latest full-length continues to fuel the classic EU HC flame they rekindled in 2012. There are some new tricks here, of course, veering into a more industrial rock sound on tracks like “They Lie We DIY,” which sounds something akin to the heyday of MINISTRY with throatier punk vocals. Likewise, there’s the moodier, goth-tinged “Determinate Yourself.” Overall, it would be hard to criticize a band for doing their thing since 1980 (with some time off). There’s definitely no new ground being broken here, but it’s a solid entry in a continuing legacy. If I have a gripe, the production does lean fully into an industrial chilliness when I think some warmer tones might really help boost these songs. But it’s hard not to simply applaud the doggedness of continuing.