V/A Degenerates and Dickweeds cassette
Thirteen tracks from thirteen different artists around the world, compiled for this release from Nashville, TN-based cassette label Knuckles on Stun. Plenty of snotty, synthy egg sounds to be found here. If you’ve checked out anything from Under the Gun, Goodbye Boozy, or the Australian synth punk scene, you’ll easily find things to dig here. As these are previously unreleased tracks, not every one is a highlight, but highlights are indeed here and ready to be discovered. Early standout “Drooler” by GARBANZO is a fantastic GEE TEE-sounding ode to some beloved mouth-breather, and “Normal Afternoon” by MEDIA PUZZLE is a great one-minute sugar rush. This collection whizzes by quickly, given the nature of the sounds, and makes perfect sense for a cassette release.