
Super Apes Kill the Humans LP

This record was a blast to listen to. It bounced genres in a playful way, with some tracks having that kind of guitar-driven ’90’s swagger from bands like GAS HUFFER or SUPERSUCKERS, and then would veer into early ’00s surf punk like very early TOGETHER PANGEA before they got polished and boring. The slightly unhinged, uncouth playful delivery, along with the added sound clips, brings to mind some of HICKEY’s tunes. Then they’ll slow it down to some PAVEMENT-ish almost-ballads on the punker side of indie rock. I love music that can deliver heart-on-sleeve anthemic choruses without worrying too much about pretense. This album isn’t streaming anywhere, and from what little is on the internet about the band, seems they’re Bay Area-based is about all I can piece together. But the album is so insightfully well-executed I would assume they’ve been doing this for some time in other bands. Hopefully they’ll be more to albums and shows to follow.