Power Pants PP7 cassette
I love this. With my whole heart, I love this. For me, it is checking all of the right boxes: sounds like it’s recorded in a bucket at the bottom of a well under 3/16” of water, they got a keyboard down there, the SPITS and LUMPY & THE DUMPERS botched a cloned baby experiment, could be on Total Punk or Goner Records, bouncy like some and creepy like others, and on and on. I would wish this tape would be my valentine for Valentine’s Day. I bet we’d chug Yoo-hoo and talk shit all evening. I’ve heard people call this style egg-punk or DEVO-core because of the satirical lyrics, quirky structure, and lo-fi sound with high-tech equipment. Call it whatever you want, as long as you allow it to find a way into your ear holes. This isn’t something that is going to change your life, but it is something that you would probably play once a year to reset your own botched clone baby brain.