
Snarewaves Snarewaves cassette

Is nu-metal-inspired egg-punk a thing? What if E-TOWN CONCRETE moved to Bloomington and got really into Gulcher Records? Should I put mayonnaise on my peanut butter sandwiches? Pass. Pass. Pass. Honestly, if I had to pick one of these, I guess I’m eating a PB&M sandwich. Eggy punk, or whatever you want to call it, is usually best when it’s pretty self-aware and tongue-in-cheek. The problem here, aside from the initial questions it had me asking, is that SNAREWAVES have opted for irony instead. Or at least I think they opted for irony? Either way, this ain’t it. But Painters Tapes did also put out the WE R TY cassette by TY this year, so I was able to cleanse my palette with that after this one.