Video of the Week: Trailer for The Outhouse The Film 1985—1997
When I was about to move to Kansas in the late ’90s everyone would ask me, “Are you moving to Lawrence? You can go to shows at the Outhouse!” Sadly, I was not moving to Lawrence, but to Wichita. And even more sadly, by the time I got there the Outhouse had closed down… I heard mixed reviews on whether or not I had missed much. Some said the venue had declined a lot in its final years, and some said I had missed the greatest place to ever see a punk show. Now, finally, I — and the world — will get a chance to see what the Outhouse was really like in the upcoming documentary The Outhouse The Film 1985—1997. The trailer is self explanatory so go ahead and click “play” already…
This film is a work in progress, and if you want to see this project come to fruition there are a few things you can do to help. Donate money at their Kickstarter page and get some killer swag. If you happen to live in California and have your own Outhouse stories and experiences to share, filmmaker Brad Norman will be conducting interviews in L.A. Jan. 17th-21st and in S.F./Oakland Jan. 22nd-25th. You can contact him through the Outhouse The Film website. (The website itself is worthy of being our Website of the Week with its amazing — and growing — flyer and photo collection from throughout the Outhouse’s lifespan.) And of course, like anyone with their shit together these days they’ve got a Facebook page and a YouTube channel… We can’t wait to see the finished product!
