V/A Peace, Unity, Noise And Having Fun: Tekken Tribute & Remixes LP
So this compilation LP is apparently a tribute to the French fastcore band TEKKEN. I regret to announce I was not familiar with TEKKEN the band, but it looks as though they were around in the late ’90s and early ’00s, and with some video research, I have realized that they were pretty good! If you like to blast off with CHARLES BRONSON, SPAZZ, DAMNABLE EXCITE ZOMBIES, AGATHOCLES, or even FANTOMAS, or any bands that were forming when fastcore was really breaking into its stride, I have this recommendation for you! There’s also some really bizarre MIDI carnival music, which I must admit I am entertained by, if not perplexed.
- Reviewer Jason Ryan
- Label The Age of Venus / Alchimia / Amertume / Arabesque / Arrache Toi Un Oeil! / Aspidistra / The Attack of the Degoulinous Lombricus / Attila Tralala / Au Fonde de l'Impasse / Bad Card / Bad Karma / Bande Noire / Bonanza / BoomBoom / Boum Coeur / Brainless / BTK / Burning Emptiness / B.U.R.T. / Buzz Off / Chimeres / Coexistence Obscure / Concert Ou Pizza / Corn Dog / Crapoulet / Creepozoïd Productions / Deviance / Diabolik / Donnez-Moi du Feu / Echo Canyon / Emergence / Enterprises Marcel Daron / Eternel Détour / Et Mon Cul C'est du Tofu? / Exutoire / Fake Inc. / Fla-kultur / Friday Feeling / Gestalt / Guerilla Asso / Happy Dick Milk / High Hopes / I Feel Good / Jackhuze / J'apple les Flics / Kawaii / Kid for Life / Label Brasseuse / Langt Ner / Les Disques De Géraldine / Les Dictions de l'Ascenseur Mou / Los Discos de la Bestia / Lubic / Maison Acid / Major Threat / Molaire Industries / Mr Marcaille / Murder / Nagawika / New Wave / No Reason / No Way Asso / Offside / One Person Party Prodz / Orange Juice / Overcome / Palmipède Graphics / Paradoxicommanie / Paska / Peace & Noise / Perspective / Place St. Anne / Positively Negative / Pouna Disques / Puzzle / Radar Swarm / Rock’n’roll Masturbation / Rotten Eggs Smell Terrible / Rudeboi / Ruin Co. / 75 Records / Shinya / Slow Death / Small Budget / Solitude / Subversive Ways / Suicide Commercial / Tocsin / Tomaturj / Trahison / 213 Records / Unhurt / Up Front / Uproar for Veneration / Up to Eleven / Various Multiplex Multiformis / Waiting for an Angel / Wee Wee / Zone Onze
- Issue MRR #432 • May 2019