9353 To Whom It May Consume 12″
Semi-psychedelic funk rock? A wimpier URBAN VERBS? A decent idea overpolished? A reviewer who’s just not into it? Should I take some acid?
Semi-psychedelic funk rock? A wimpier URBAN VERBS? A decent idea overpolished? A reviewer who’s just not into it? Should I take some acid?
More excellent DC hardcore, but with a Southern California feel. It’s got soaring guitar work, great touches of feedback, and bent notes. The production is also up to the high Dischord standard.
Excellent debut, full of hard-charging rhythms and catchy melodies. The clean and punchy production really helps to sharpen up their brawny attack. You can make favorable connections with MARGINAL MAN and 76% UNCERTAIN. A nice mind-blowing punk version of the BEATLES’ “I Am the Walrus.”
Like MARGINAL MAN, SECOND WIND start with the basic D.C. thrash-oriented attack and play a lot of tricks with it. In this case, that means slowing down the tempo, and adding clever bridges, an occasional tasty guitar part, and particularly fine drumming. Although the singer has definite Ian MacKaye inflections, this is a distinctive release.