Reckoning Force In My Head EP
A completely ripping follow-up to this Virginia band’s 2017 release. While not particularly sounding like LIFE’S BLOOD, these six tracks charge with the same ’80s hardcore center, a savagely spit vocal assault, and quick guitar-driven breakdowns. The vocals give it a little bit of the spastic feel of YDI, as they struggle to fit all the rage in, while the music brings to mind a lot of well-played, turn-on-a-dime late ’80s Canadian hardcore such as YOUTH YOUTH YOUTH or FAIR WARNING, where musical chops both embellished and tempered the chaos. Anger simmers this one over to the right point though, with totally pissed lyrics and dark, stippled artwork of cages, mental and otherwise. The notebook-scrawl lyric sheet was a tough read, but otherwise, great EP!