Scumbag Scumbag 12″
Late 1980s Japanese fastcore resurrected (thankfully) by the folks at Beach Impediment. I know them from the Enjoy Your Youth… sampler, and was a little surprised to see SCUMBAG get the treatment before realizing the ROCKY & THE SWEDEN connection, but never mind the why and sit with these eight burners. Even when you hear poppy bits on cuts like “F.T.M.U.” and “Money,” they simply can’t get away from the rapid-fire approach, creating a sonic bridge between more “traditional” Japanese hardcore and the younger Tokyo scene that started popping up in the ’90s (think LIE, DXRXYX, BREAKFAST). If you’re expecting a wall of furious hardcore, then look elsewhere, but these SCUMBAG tracks recorded their brief run in 1988–89 are a fantastic time capsule, and I’m thrilled that Beach Impediment cracked it open.